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Sales Tips to Build a Non-United Sales Team

Every Sales team faces some problem or the other. You can face problems like jealousy between salesmen, having lazy salesmen, too much competition, etc. Clearly, all these problems fall under one umbrella, that is the team has no unity.

Unity in your sales team is important to get good sales results. A sales team that is united can achieve any Sales goal.

For getting your sales team united you have to follow some Sales tips that have been tested and proven. The following are the Sales tips to get your Sales team back on track.

1. Have a Sales Training Program:

There is a saying in the Sales world, “sales training gives answers to all your sales problems”. It is absolutely true that Sales training can solve any issue that your sales team is facing.

If you know that there is no unity in the sales team, you need to organize a Sales training program for the Sales team.

The sales training program will not only make the team united but the sales team will also get some valuable Sales tips from the Sales training.

So get a Sales trainer and you will see a big difference in your Sales team.

2. Appoint a leader:

A leader is someone that people that listen to and are ready to follow. Leaders play a major role in how their teams perform.

A sales leader is appointed to get results from the Sales team. The leader will make sure that there are no fights and quarrels amongst the sales team.

The Sales leader must also receive leadership training. He must know what the organization is expecting from him. The organization must set goals that he has to pass on to the Sales Team.

The sales leader will surely make a big difference in the unity of the Sales team.

3. Set ground rules:

In school whenever students cross the line, the teachers set some rules that have to be followed. The same way at the workplace if there are only fights happening and no work then you have to set some ground rules.

It is different to deal with adults than students. So make sure your ground rules are not too restrictive. It will de-motivate your employees.

Sit down with your team and put your rules forward. Tell them that if the rules are not followed then there will be strict repercussions.

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4. Have team activities:

When nothing works you are supposed to have fun. Having a light atmosphere for a few days will change the mindset and mood of the employees.

Have activities like games. You have to have these games where you have teamwork. Put the salesmen who have issues with each other in one team.

You learn from what you see. The same way when the team that has no unity will start losing, they will look at what others are doing. So you have one team that is very united. When the non-united team sees that the united team is winning because of their unity, there is a chance they might change.

Your activities have to focus on how to unite the Sales team so don’t have competitive activities. Having competitive activities will have a negative effect on the Sales team.

5. Organize vacations:

Now I know most of you would think that this will be a useless expense. That is not the truth. This is an expense that will give you double the returns.

Take your sales team on short trips where they don’t have to work and have to just relax. When you are on vacation your thinking and emotions are more relaxed.

Spending friendly and happy moments together will surely get your Sales team united. Make your sales team stick together all throughout the vacation.

6. Create Fake Situations:

Yes, you have to do fake things for something good to happen. Your fake situation has to make the Sales team helpful to each other.

When a person receives help even from their enemy, they forget all the issues they have between them. The same way you have to make a fake situation where you put one or two Salesmen.

When the other Salesmen see their teammate in trouble they will surely come together to help him. If they do come together to help them then they are on their halfway mark to become a United Sales team.

You can also have a fake situation where you have one group of the Salesmen undergoing rigorous workload. When the more relaxed team sees that their other halves of the Sales team are overburdened with work, they will automatically be ready to help.

7. Encourage open communication:

When you know your Sales team is not at its best, it is okay to make changes to your laws. We all follow communication via emails and other applications.

When situations like these come you have to enforce open communication. The more Salesmen talk to each other the better their relationship will be.

Make sure that your sales team is making efforts in communicating with each other. Convince them to have face-to-face communication. Your leader has to keep quiet when they talk about other things as well.

8. Counsel your sales team:

Counseling always works when you have to improve the mindset of your salesmen. You can be their Counsellor or you can call for a business counselor.

The more your salesmen let things out the more friendly and approachable they become. So let them tell you what problems they have with their teammates.

When you get to know what their problems are you have to work on how to solve the problem. Get solutions to all their problems and they will feel much better and surely will get their indifferences out. It will also motivate them as they will know the management is worried about their issues.

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9. Create small groups:

This is the last thing you should do. You take this step when nothing works out but you want your Sales results. You have to draw the line at some point so this is when you call it quits on uniting your team.

So what you have to do is make small groups and divide the total workload equally. I would suggest giving unequal work because then the salesmen would work with anyone to do less work.

Other than that even if you give equal work then the small groups will do their work and you will get your desired Sales results.

If your sales team is facing a unity problem between them, I have put down the Sales tips to help you. These tips will work in 99 out of 100 situations. That 1% matters on the executions.

So these were my Sales tips to make a Non-united sales team into a United sales team. If they help you and bring success then great if not then do let me know so that I can suggest what else you need to do. Please give me your reviews in the comments below.

Author Mihir Shah:

Mr. Mihir Shah is Founder of Yatharth Marketing Solutions - A Sales Training Company based in India, Dubai & USA offer Sales Training Programs to small & medium-size businesses. With decades of experience in Sales Training, he is sought after for his latest sales techniques to drive faster sales scale, higher efficiency, and sustained development. Mihir’s Sales sessions have inspired more than 200 companies all over the country.


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